Latest Projects
Some of the Big eCommerce projects I've worked on over the years together with amazing people from around the globe. All of them are still alive and in good condition.
About me
I live in Cracow, Poland and I'm a master of science graduate of Jagiellonian University, majored in computer science with a specialization in applied computer science.
With over 13 years of professional experience I've worked with multiple technologies and languages in both frontend and backend.
I tend to put my fingers into every aspect of computer science wearing all kind of hats.
Lately I've been focused on modern web application design and development in airline sector under E-Commerce area.
Clean code and Best practices enthusiast. React, Typescript and GraphQL fan.
Currently I'm self employed working on a contract through vendor SII for Sabre Airline Solutions
Latest Libs/Gists
Other smaller projects and gists that do not fall into eCommerce category that I've worked on over the years. Please check github for details on each one.
Plugin for test cafe that allows integration with Report Portal. Supports concurrency and video/screenshot synchronization
Chrome Devtools extension that monitors network traffic and displays the GraphQL request information in formatted and coloured output
Small lib that can be used to run accessibility for testcafe using axe and generate html report with screenshot
Jenkins DSL script that will add backup and restore jobs for Jenkins. Backups all configs and jobs to Google Cloud Storage